Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects only the face. Because of this, it can have a significant psychological impact on a person’s life. This may be the case for you.
During rosacea flares, a variable number of pimples are seen on the face, accompanied by more or less redness of the face. You may also experience a burning sensation or increased sensitivity.
As a specialist in dermatology (both face-to-face in Madrid and online dermatologist) and as a result of my studies and experience, I have written numerous articles about rosacea, which you can find on this page. They deal with its causes, treatments and news about it.
I hope you will find them useful. Thank you for your trust :)
Es posible que lleves tiempo lidiando con rojeces en la cara. Tal vez también con granitos que van y vienen. Si ya te han diagnosticado es muy probable que te …