If you have reached this link, it is probably because you are looking for information about bakuchiol. You may have heard about it in cosmetic forums; you are probably aware …
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Today’s article is dedicated to this condition that I have been asked about so many times during the weeks of captivity. If you have made it this far, perhaps it …
The word scabies sounds obsolete, a disease from another era. Calling it scabies sounds more elegant, but in the end it’s the same thing. The point is that, although it …
Today’s post describes the possible causes of the appearance of spots on the nails. These very often have a linear shape and are caused by what we technically call “longitudinal …
You may have an itchy spot on your back. If you have had it for some time and it is near the scapula or shoulder blade, you probably have notalgia …
You may have been dealing with redness on your face for some time. Maybe you’ve also been dealing with pimples that come and go. If you’ve already been diagnosed, you’re …