White spots on the arms and legs: guttate hypomelanosis

hipomelanosis en gotas

You may have noticed some white spots on your brown skin, in the form of white patches on your arms and legs. If so, this article will be of interest to you. I talk about hypomelanosis in drops from my experience as a dermatologist.

What are the white patches on my arms and legs? – Symptoms

Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (IGH), is more common in fair-skinned people. It appears as white, millimeter-sized patches on the skin of the legs and arms of middle-aged or older people.

manchas blancas en brazos y piernas

They are usually more evident when you get a tan. They do not produce symptoms, nor do they itch or hurt.

In this link you can see more pictures of HIG

Why do white spots appear on the arms and legs? – Causes

Guttate hypomelanosis s a consequence of sun exposure. Not the sun of last summer, or the sun of the last few years, or the sunburn we remember because it was more intense, no. It is the result of years and years of ultraviolet rays. It is the consequence of years and years of ultraviolet rays. This somehow changes the pigment producing capacity of the skin cells and makes them work irregularly.

Guttate hypomelanosis is a mixture of sun and age. In fact, the number of “drops” usually increases with age. White patches on children’s skin are usually due to atopic dermatitis and have nothing to do with this condition.

How are white spots on the arms and legs (HIG) diagnosed? – Diagnosis

white spots on the legs

Idiopatis guttate hypomelanosis is usually diagnosed with a clinical dermatologic examination. It is interesting to have the skin evaluated by a dermatologist (in person or online dermatologist). This will help to differentiate these patches from other conditions such as vitiligo or flat warts, and to assess the various reasons that can cause white patches in summer.

In my experience as a dermatologist, most cases do not require a medical test or examination.

How is idiopathic hypomelanosis treated ? – Treatment

First of all, as a dermatologist, I can assure you that this condition has no medical relevance. However, it can have some aesthetic implications, so it is normal to try to find a solution. However, doctors do not have completely effective treatments. Strangely enough, there is no miracle laser that can erase these small spots.

Secondly, we do not have any topical treatment (cream) with scientific evidence. Topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors have been tried with variable results.

Finally, some publications have shown a slight improvement with cryotherapy or fractionated laser, but the results are far from complete. In general, in my experience as a dermatologist, I usually do not recommend any treatment as the possibility of improvement is almost non-existent.

How to prevent white spots on arms and legs? – Prevention

We know that the appearance of these little white spots on the arms and legs is the result of exposure to the sun over the years. The accumulated solar “load” cannot be erased. However, we can avoid accumulating more sun damage. Therefore, if you suffer from guttate hypomelanosis , it is advisable to reinforce your sun protection habits.

On the other hand, if you do not yet have these spots on your arms or legs and you are reading this article, increase your prevention and use sunscreen rigorously. In this way, you will be much less likely to suffer from hypomelanosis in the future.

Do you get these little white spots in summer?

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