If you have landed on this page, I imagine that it is because you have seen a horizontal line on your child’s nose; you may even have noticed that it is formed by pimples.
If this is the case, it is most likely a nasal transverse line.
What is the nasal transverse line?
This is a line on the back of the nose that may be subtly sunken or may be lighter or darker in color. This line is located at the junction of the upper two-thirds of the nose with the lower third. It is most often seen in childhood.
Small black dots (pimples) or white bumps may be seen on this line, which correspond to milliary cysts.
Why does the nasal transverse line appear?
There are two main theories. One is that as the child grows, the cartilages that make up the nose grow at different rates, causing the groove to form at the junction of the cartilages.
On the other hand, there is the possibility that the line is already formed at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy when the nose is structured in the mother’s womb.
How is it diagnosed?
An examination of the area is sufficient, and if the attending physician is familiar with this entity, the diagnosis can be made easily.
It is important to distinguish it from wrinkles that can appear as a result of chronic allergies (although it is typical in adults and is called “allergic greeting”).
It is also necessary to exclude that the line is not a scar or the result of a blow.
How is it treated?
In reality, no treatment is usually considered because the line tends to fade over time and is often barely noticeable. The line does not tend to worsen, become more pronounced, or spread to other areas of the face.
In the case of children with blackheads or small pimples in this area, a specific acne treatment may be used in this area to improve the symptoms.